Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time Flies......

Time passes by, people change, things change, and perhaps you and me change, too. But one thing remains- the sweet memories that are kept in my heart. This year was a less challenging year in comparison to past few years. The key- learn to let go and look at the bright side. If I told you my life was a bed of roses, you may or may not believe. But I wanna tell you, it's a LIE. There are setbacks and there were times when I just sit there and cry, not because I was weak, but I was feeling depressed and sometimes people accuse you for what you've not done and being unreasonable to you. I'd just grin and bear, but over time, I couldn't take it and tumbled down. And I was happy that after some times, those wounds recovered and I dont hold on to them anymore. After all, what's the point of keeping them in your heart if it's going to ruin your happiness? Most importantly, I learnt to be stronger through each hardship and there're always wonderful lesson to be learnt, that's why I said in the beginning, look things at the bright side.

Putting them aside, there are just too much, so much, and over-flowing blessings and sweet memories to be embraced. I give thanks to God for His abundant blessing. It's almost impossible to tell you one by one, as there're just too many. One of the fondest memories I had was the time I spent in Bali and Perth, with those whom I love the most in my life, dad and mum, and wife to be, Charlotte. It totally went beyond my wildest dream to think I would be able to go abroad with them, especially my parents, because throughout all these years, they fought for more money in order to give us the best education that we'd ever get and they're having financial difficulties every time. Having vacation overseas is something "out of question" for dad. But I was amazed when he decided to join the trip, of course, thanks to free ticket. The best part of the trip was not how beautiful the place is or the weather, but it's the family ties and bond that strengthen the relationship of one another. I would always remember that trip, and I look forward many more vacations with family in years to come. Ironically, my unkind grandma, was trying to be sarcastic with mum. She said, "well, it must have been fun, to have your honeymoon for the first time since day one of your marriage." Well, naysayer, pure jealousy!

I couldn't be more thankful, really. Oh God, how can this be?? He did amazing things which never in my life would I thought possible. I wanna tell you something, something which I leant throughout these years. When life seems miserable and there's no hope, wait on God, wait, not just one or two days. Wait, even if you need to wait few years. God's working slowly, but surely. In His perfect timing, your prayer will be answered to the fullest, or even exceed what you've been asking for. I thought I wasted too much time and I compared my life with others and discovered how sorrowful I was. But God is never too late! And as Pastor Joel wrote in his book, God will make up your lost!

I hope you enjoy reading this little stuff. As Christmas is round corner, I wish you a happy holiday and I shall get back to you with more updates, soon.



  1. I do treasure a lot the moment we spent time with your family in Bali and Perth. It was like a dream to me, being able to go overseas. I appreciate the blessings that I have received through you. As one of the consumers of airline companies, I thank God for your commitment in giving your services in the air. The good God shall continue to give you firm wings to soar like eagle in the years to come.

  2. Oh sweetheart, thank u for those words of encouragement. We shall soar on wings like eagle!!
