Friday, October 30, 2009

A Narrow Escape

It was truly a narrow escape. I was on the verge of death. I was "this close" to death. I couldn't believe that I made it, I still cannot believe it, and I'm still feeling depressed. It was an emotional moment, to stand in the gap between the living and the dead. I thought I had fallen, yes, I did fall, but before I hit the ground hardly, God's wings extended and they were so powerful that I was carried away and was lifted to the sky. I've survived the storm, of what could have been a disaster for me had God not intervene.

It was like sailing in the middle of a violent sea with my small boat, though I was tossed, the boat did not sink, nor did it break no matter how strong the wind and wave were. I blamed God for putting me through this, I questioned Him why, why must He allow this to happen. God said, "be still, and sit still, unfurl your sail, and sail on, do not look back, do not be distracted, and do not be terrified." In the end, I reached the port, a place of refuge where the water was calm and seagulls were all over the place. The storm and wave subsided gradually, and soon, they were no longer a threat to me, for God had calmed them down.

I stepped down to the shore, my body was weak and my mind was tired. And there, I met some friends on the shore who welcomed me with open arms and broad smile. They said, "Congratulation! You did it." I told them, "no", "I don't believe what has happened". They said, "my friend, forget the past and move on, do not look back, you have already succeeded, no matter how bad your past experience was". I nodded my head, and still remain in "disbelief", for it was too good to be true. But it was a fact, and it was a MIRACLE. Praise the Lord.

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